What: This prestigious international pageant believes that physical beauty is just a part of of the whole allure of a person. Its award is for the most honorable married woman. According to its rules she must age 25 to 45, has a family, has her own career and involved with a significant cause in favour of other people.
That is why every year this international event takes 7 to 10 days. During that period the married women from different countries are involved in different initiatives.
The idea that unites them is the motto “Against violence” which in different years covers different causes.
2009 was devoted to children and young women who are abandoned or suffer home violence. Representatives of different countries shared their experience in that field and many of them started a good cooperation lasting through the hole next year in different projects.
2010 was devoted to ” Women of the world against violence and human trafficking”.
The idea of all this international event and the activities going through the hole year is that mature women, who have already achieved a lot in their life, who have built their own families, have become mothers themselves, who are indepedent, due to their own efforts, are the women who can use their beauty for the sake of a big cause.
In this aspect it is obvious that beauty is just a small part of the hole allure of a women deserving to be honored. So we leave it for the final night. For that reason we also invite the members of the jury to be with the delegates though their hole stay and follow their steps to get a view of their personality too.
Another idea of the event is to show the host country and the people living there that they deeply believe that getting in touch with new places, culture and people will make the most honorable women real ambassadors of the country they have been to for these 10 days. The way they organize the event aims to be interesting for the participants and aims to help them make friends instead of concurrency.
Where: TBC
When: TBC